What is the matrix. The long talked about control system which lords over this world. Of which has been shown in the movie The Matrix and has been discussed in many conspiracy circles.
To put it simply, the matrix is a negative field of energy which permeates almost the entire globe, stronger in some places then in others, and radiates from the lower half of the atmosphere. This field of energy, which many would define as the matrix, has the effect of putting those who are within it's resonant frequency into a trance like state, lowering their general awareness to stay in the range of the third dimension.
In the movie The Matrix, it is shown to be an advanced control system run by AI, which has put cultivated inhabitants into a deep slumber, who are used to power it. The matrix in reality, is a collective thought form, one of pervading ignorance from a lack of awareness en mass.
This thought form which runs in peoples unconscious mind, has the effect of steering peoples perceptions in a direction which will always lead them back to third dimensional awareness. This is the purpose of the matrix, to keep the inhabitants who are under it's influence from reaching higher states of awareness. Which would thereby allow them to access higher states of consciousness. When one reaches higher states of awareness, and then consciousness, they will naturally elevate to higher dimensions of reality.
The matrix is then not a literal plug into a system which feeds upon it's victims energy, but a collective thought form which feeds on unawareness, in order to keep people from "waking up". In order to wake up, you must first realize there is a system that is attempting to keep you asleep, and then once you have moved into this space of awareness that something is attempting to keep you "asleep". You can move forward with this knowing that this system exists in everything almost everyone is involved with in society.
As aspects of society has the matrix inbedded in it, which is the drive to keep ones consciousness within the paradigm of the third dimension. The third dimension is all about physicality, lacking the imaginative and spiritual aspects of the higher dimensions. To move from the third dimension to the fourth, practice connecting with your imagination and your heart. Allow your imagination to flow with your heart. As the two are one and the same.
Any place which has a high frequency such as places filled with nature, will naturally ward off the effects of the low frequency matrix field, these are the places to cultivate awarenss in order to starve off the low vibrational matrix frequencies. Crystals which contain high vibrational energy also assist in this. Anything that raises your vibration is a good defense against the low vibrational frequencies of the matrix.
Moving into your heart space is critical for flowing out of the matrix frequency range, the matrix has the effect of attempting to shackle the heart, as the heart once connected to and open vibrates at a frequency above it and connects you to the fifth dimension.
Learn to see the matrix in everything which attempts to keep you in the range of the third dimension, that is, physicality without imagination and spirituality. Imagination is fourth dimensional, the heart is fifth dimensional. You need to connect to both in order to access higher states of awareness and consciousness.
Thank you for reading this blog post, I wish you the best, and pray for your ascension to higher states of being.