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Are gifts and why we have them

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

We all have gifts that allow us to do something special that brings us joy and happiness. Gifts or talents that we developed early on that we've always had. I believe that the gifts that were given to us by god are meant to be shared with others. What you can do that is unique to you. Share these gifts with the world. And you will be rewarded greatly.

When others share in your passions. You spread love and joy around. When others experience your creations. They experience what you did of your crafted work. This is what it means to be of service to others.

We are all born with unique gifts. God wants all it's children to share each others gifts with one another. That's what makes life beautiful. That we're all so unique. That we can share in each others uniquenss. Soceity teaches us to shun are gifts, some people put shame on us for wanting to embrace are gifts, but as you see those who choose to embrace their gifts and follow their passions are the ones who succeed.

Discover and share YOUR talents with the world. When you do this, this is when you will achieve true abundance, how you are of service to others and will gain monetary abundance.

Every chance, every opportunity, every challenge source gives to us is a gift to better ourselves for us and others. Never look at hardship as something bad, always look at hardship as an oppotunity to improve, to better yourself. Times may be hard, but hard times do not last forever, the light is always at the end of the tunnel.

There are no punishments ever. Only obstacles and opportunities to learn and grow. God does not punish it's children. Only we punish ourselves.That is my message for today.

I love you all from the deepest depths of my heart. May you be guided by your higher self on your path. Follow your heart. Follow your dreams. Follow what brings you joy and happiness and you will walk in abundance.

When you follow your dreams, the universe will always provide a way, you will be supported always. Always look at life's challenges as blessings in disguise. And most importantly, do not ever take your gifts for granted, your gifts are special and are sacred to you. Cherish them and they will reward you.

In an ideal world of love we would be following are dreams from the beginning. But this world tries early on to take our unique gifts away from us. Do not let it. Find your passion and let it guide you to your path.

May the love of god be with you.


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