Why do some people seem to just have all the luck in the world, while others are always having problems, and never seem to get a break. What is luck really? Well I'd like to cover this topic today from my researched perspective on the subject. As always we will keep it short, simple, and to the point!
Many people understand the concept of like attracts like, this can be positive or negative, as you would imagine. We explored in another post that your thoughts, actions, and emotions create the reality around you. So now I'd like to talk about what I call "the human probability field".
Every person and living organism has around them an invisible field of energy that acts like a shield and an influencing field. Information flows into this field and comes to you through your subconscious mind. Sometimes the information that flows into your field enters your conscious mind through the subconscious. If you ever wondered how you just know something, or felt when something bad is about to happen, and you see it coming from a mile away as they say. This is the reason, our field is a protector as well as a sponge for information around us.
I call it the "human probability field" because of it's ability to attract and or influence positive or negative outcomes and or situations. Depending on how high your "vibration" is, that is the level at which your energy flows, it shapes how good or bad your overall outcomes in life are. A person with a high vibrating energy field will typically always attract good outcomes into their life, and the opposite is also true. A person with an energy field that is vibrating at a low level will generally attract more negative outcomes in their life.
This is why some people seem to have all the bad luck. While others are swimming in good luck. It's not really "luck" though, now is it, it's how what you are attracts what you put out and resonate with.
If you want to start attracting good outcomes into your life, now knowing this, all you need to do is raise your vibration. This can be done in any numbers of ways, simply being around other people who vibrate at a higher level, or generally attract good things into their life can help you raise your vibration. But eating a healthy meal everyday, being thankful and giving gratitude for everything in your life, and practicing healthy habits is a way to slowly but surely raise your vibration and attract good things into your life.
It's as they say, mind is matter, now start thinking like a person who is good and has a wonderful life. Then see how fast things begin to improve for yourself and even others who may be around you. The human probability field doesn't just affect you, it also affects those around you, and them the same to you. Don't hang around with people who'll drag yours down to their level.
I hope that this message reaches you well and in good spirits. I thank you for reading this message. And once again I thank you and I ask you to stick around for more short, simple, yet insightful posts!