Many ask the question, what kind of world do we live in, or what is this world really? I've asked myself this question many times, have thought about it for years now, and have come across many varying theories and opinions. Some say this world is hell, I tend to agree, but the difference between here and what people think of as a fiery pit is this is a hell of your own making.
My theory is that we live in what I call a "mirror world": Where your thoughts, actions, and emotions shape your reality. The people around us mirror us also, our behaviors, what we think about ourselves, and how we perceive reality from our personal perspective. So in essence, we create our own hell, or as they say "you reap what you sow". The upside to this is that we can also create our own heaven, by our thoughts, actions, and emotions.
So if that is true then, is this world really "hell", well perhaps not. What I believe is simply that we are the instrument for which reality uses to shape itself. By the energy that we release out to the world, we are active participants in the ongoing process around us that we call "life". Ultimately it is us that chooses what kind of reality we live in and what kind of life we want for ourselves.
This goes into how what we feed with our eyes can influence us and shape the world we live in for us. What we view we give power to. Knowing this, it is important to stress that we take care in what we actively are giving our power to by what we see, even on a daily basis. If you view something or anything that is not within your "power" to control you are "giving" your power away to something outside of yourself.
Here's the hard truth: You cannot control what goes on in the world, you can only control your world, that is the world that is personal to you. Your personal world for which you live and breathe in. Not the world other people live in and do what they deem to do. This is a truth that we must embody if we are to truly embrace the power in creating our own reality.
With all this said, and this possibly being hell, well this is certainly not a bad hell. It's an as you make it hell. A place where your thoughts, actions, and emotions shape the very reality you wake up in everyday. Take your power back, by focusing on what world you want to live in, and enjoy every moment of it. You have the power to choose what kind of present space you want. Be an active participant in it, with your eyes, and with your heart. Overall this is simply something I want you the reader to ponder on. Make of it what you will and see if this message resonates with your inner truths.
I hope that this message reaches you well and in good spirits. I thank you for reading this message. And once again I thank you and I ask you to stick around for more short, simple, yet insightful posts!