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How do we open peoples hearts to unconditional love

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

How do we open peoples hearts to unconditional love? First we should state what unconditional love is. Unconditional love is love without condition, without restraint, without boundaries. When you love someone unconditionally, you love them with all your heart for who they are and want the absolute best for them without any conditions. I liken the feeling of unconditional love to an all encompassing gentle hug by a universal omnipotent motherly figure who wants the absolute best for you in every way shape and form.

So, how do we open peoples hearts to unconditional love, how do we show them what unconditional love is. To open someones heart to unconditional love, we must do for them what nobody else ever would. We must perform an act of kindness for them that they would never expect anyone to do for them. We must show them that, yes, the universe cares about you. Yes, the universe wants you to succeed, yes the universe wants you to prosper and have everything your heart mind and soul desires.

But in order for the universe to give you what you want. Your heart must first be open. The heart is like a beacon to the universe. Signaling it's wants and desires in pureness. If your heart is not open, it's as if the universe cannot hear you, it cannot receive your hearts desires. When we open a persons heart to unconditional love, we've allowed them to put their desires out to the universe, to better themselves by allowing the universe to fulfill their hearts desires.

The universe loves unconditionally, that is, source or god itself. God, or source, is itself unconditional love. Unconditional love is the energy that binds all of creation. That births new life. The creator creates all and everything that is out of pure unconditional love. Love for it's creations which it delights in giving life to. And as it's creations, we too have the power to give life, to create life out of unconditional love. Like a mother. a father, and their child. They love their offspring out of pure unconditional love. They give their child all the love and support it needs without restraint or any conditions.

We live in a world where there are people who don't know unconditional love. They've never experienced it, and worse, their hearts aren't even open. The world has told them through the way it and the people in their lives has treated them that they don't deserve love, to feel love, to be loved. And so their hearts have become closed off. And so these people go out in life being lead like sheep on a conveyor belt never expressing nor getting to experience their hearts desires.

When we perform an act of kindness from our hearts, guided by are hearts, we help people experience something they normally never would have in a world that has not shown them such a thing. It doesn't matter what the act of kindness is, something as simple as telling a person whose sitting on a bench crying inside "I care about you I love you" is enough to open their hearts to unconditional love. All that person wanted to know is that there is somebody out there who cares about them and feels their pain. Such simple acts can change the world.

People believe we change the world by changing the system of which we live in. To change the world, we must first change the people in it, by opening their hearts. When we open peoples hearts, we allow the love of god or source to flow within them, and this allows the person to feel the interconnectedness that is all and everything that is. We are all and we are everything that is. We are all one, we are all god or source, together as one universal collective consciousness having a profound experience called "life".

So, in order to open peoples hearts to unconditional love, we must perform an act of kindness for them, from our hearts, to fill them with the unconditional love of god or source. We must show them that the universe does care about them, that it wants the absolute best for them, that it wants to fulfill their wants and desires. That the universe is always willing and waiting to listen to their heart.

All good things come from the heart. When we manifest, we manifest from the heart, and the universe fulfills are desires through are hearts. The universe is always listening, always remember this, and have faith that what you desire in your heart is coming to you. It is already yours, as long as the desire comes from your heart, it will come into being for you.

I pray with love that is message reaches you in good spirits. I send you my love and blessings. I thank you the reader for reading this blog post and taking the time out of your day. With love and many blessings I thank you from the bottom of my heart. May you walk in the abundance of the universe.


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