How does manifestation work. How do you manifest what you want into your life? Well today I will go over this.
Manifestation is about bringing your desired reality into tangible form. In order to manifest what you want into reality, your desired outcome must be in alignment with your heart, which means you must be in alignment with your heart. Your heart chakra, which is where your soul resides, must be open and not closed.
Manifestation is all about coming into alignment with your hearts desires. Not what the ego wants, which is connected to the mind, and not the heart. If your desires come from the ego, you will not receive what you desire, the desire must come from the heart.
To manifest, your heart and mind must be aligned, this is easier to achieve once you have gone through ego death. If you desire freedom for example, as in monetary freedom, it must come from the heart. If you want monetary freedom to show off expensive things that feed the ego, then your manifestation will not work, you will instead attract an undesirable outcome. When you desire freedom, desire it so you can be happy, don't desire freedom to be free of your responsabilities for example. We all have something to be responsible for.
When your desires come from the ego, you attract situations to feed the ego, and this will always lead to situation that inevitably bring you down. You only have to look at many famous celebrities to see how this goes. Many famous celebrities have a lot of money. But that money and the fame attached to it invariably leads to feeding their egos. This doesn't go for every celebrity of course. I'm only using such as an example. Your ego will always be a roadblock to successful manifestation because the ego only desires to protect itself with false illusory things. What the heart wants is what is in your best good as it is in alignment with your soul and thus your higher self. Your greater good will.
What is in alignment with your heart is in alignment with god or source, your higher self, the you that is all and everything. So when your desires come from your heart. The universe, as pure love, conspires to make it a reality. This is how you manifest what you want into reality. To become a manifester is to have a heart and mind that is aligned.
The process of aligning your heart and mind first starts with opening your heart chakra. This can be done in many ways. Some of the easiest ways is through intention, as in doing something with the intention of it coming from your heart for yourself and others, something that is good that will make you and someone else feel happy and fulfilled. Other ways include, listening to heart chakra opening music, and using crystals for the heart chakra such as green crystals like Moldavite. I caution you to only use Moldavite if you are ready to embark on a journey of true inner transformation. Moldavite is a very powerful heart chakra opening crystal. It is also the crystal of unconditional love and will assist in opening your heart to the energies of unconditional love. Should you decide to purchase Moldavite. Make sure it is from a reputable source so it is real and not one of the many fakes sold online.
Manifestation is about bringing your desired reality into tangible form. To manifest, your desire must come from the heart, and not the mind, not the ego. You must trust your heart, trust that you will receive what you desire, and then allow it to take form. This means letting go of all expectations of how it will happen. This means allowing the universe to do it's work in whatever way the gears of motion turn in the background. Your inner world is a reflection of your outer world. You cannot bring out what you lack within. Which means to manifest is to bring out from what is within you. In order to do this your heart must first be open.
Faith always wins, so never lose faith, and never give up. What you want is usually just around the corner. People often give up at just the last moment before what they want is about to come to them. Then the process starts all over again. Instead of losing faith at the last moment. Hold fast to your faith, keep going, and never look back. And remember there is always light at the end of the tunnel. The universe loves you always, god or source loves you, and wants the best for you always.
I thank you for reading this blog post, from the bottom of my heart, blessed be you. Success is already yours, the fact that you are reading this, means you are on the right path. What you attract into your life is a marker for what is coming your way. Remember that and never forget.