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How you can learn about something spiritually by form and function

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

You can learn about the spiritual aspect of someone or something by it's form and function. Doing so will allow you to discover insights into just about anything. Be it something, someone, or even yourself.

So what do I mean by form and function? Everything you see with your eyes has form. Form being how it is made up and how it's form allows it to work. It's form denotes it's function, as a ball is round, so it rolls. That is it's function since it's shape allows it to move with little friction. This applies to everything spiritually. Both in a good way and a bad way. If something, for example looks off to you in it's form, then you can assume it is likely bad. Pretty simple right? But there is so much more to this.

When it comes to the spiritual aspect of something, or someone, their form can tell you a lot about what's going on on the other side. If there is something wrong with someone, it will show in their form, and manifest as a function in some way shape or form. Or in most cases as a feature of their physical being. When it comes to ailments of the body and mind, illnesses always manifest first in the spiritual realm, and then the physical. This goes for everything from physical illnesses that affect the body to mental disorders that cause a myriad of problems for the individual.

Here's another example, I'll give you a common one, one that most people are affected by but are not aware of. You've probably heard the quote from the bible about ones body being their holy temple. This is a true statement, the body is the holy temple, or the vehicle for the soul. All bodies work as vehicles for the soul to experience physical reality. What kind of fuel you put into the body therefor has a direct effect on how well the body works. And thus how well the soul is able to work with the body. A driver working in a beat up run down car is going to greatly struggle to drive around in it and will have a reduced mental well being filled with discomfort, stress, and worry. Similarly, a person whose not taken care of their body, that is has lived an unhealthy lifestyle and made poor eating choices, will impact the experience of their soul because they have neglected the vehicle that it's using to experience physical reality.

A body with a form that is obese will have a function that denotes an inability to experience the fullest of it's souls potential. The person who has neglected their body, and thus their soul, will then develop illnesses associated with what parts of the body have been most neglected. This also goes for ones behavior and karma. How someone has treated others can manifest in their form and thus as a function of their being. People who smile with genuine goodness will radiate a positive aura and make others feel welcomed and happy around them. People who have an unwelcoming disposition will push away others and create a space of unease around them. The people who are like this are usually people who've gone through something that they've internalized and so it shows in their form as a function. You can see this and if you are tuned in emotionally and psychically will be able to sense more of what's going on behind the persons being.

These are just vague examples of how you can learn about something spiritually by it's form and so it's function. You will notice how something that does not look right, like an abandoned building, will give off bad or scary vibes. That's because your natural psychic senses are telling you there is something spiritually amiss with this building, and you should stay away from it. If a home looks off, feels off, then that means there is something spiritually wrong with it. Something terrible could have happened in it, it could be occupied by malevolent spirits, or just be too dangerous to be close to and your spirit is warning you of such danger.

This ties in to ones gut instincts. Are instincts come from the gut, which is where the soul resides, and thus has a direct connection to spirit. This is why you should always trust your gut. It is your spirit telling you something from the other side you don't perceive with the five physical senses. This is also why you should only put healthy food into your body. What you consume has a direct impact on how well you move in tune with your soul. One of the most lethal if not the most lethal things you can put into your body is common table salt.

Salt is the glue that holds the soul and the body together. Salt has a sort of binding effect on the spirit. That's why it's so important to ones health. When you ingest common table salt, it has the opposite effect of what natural salt is suppose to do, and actually loosens the connection between ones soul and body. Highly processed common table salt is therefor one of if not the most lethal substances consumed on a daily basis. It is primarily responsible for heart diseases and high blood pressure. And notice how I said "heart", your heart is your soul, so it makes sense that common table salt would attack the heart. The gut has a direct connection to the soul, but the heart is where the soul resides, both are very close to each other and can directly affect one another. If you put bad food into your body it directly harms the heart and thus the connection with your soul.

So I hope I've explained form and function well enough in this blog post. I will go into more detail on this subject on another blog post. I thank you for reading this blog post and bless you with love and light.


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