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The matrix and the human collective

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

When people talk about the matrix, I think they fall short in understanding what exactly the matrix is, so I'm here to give my thoughts on the matter and shed light on what I believe are misconceptions surrounding the topic.

There are a myriad of media online about this topic, on website articles, videos, and books. Many talk about the matrix and it being some kind of holographic AI overlay that's controlling humanity perpetuating a false reality. What if I told you the real matrix is humanity itself. That humanity has actually manifested it's own matrix by it's own hands and minds. This cage that people find themselves in, of suffering, and of hardship. Could this perhaps all be by the design of those who exist within this world itself.

Let me put it to you this way. What if I said suffering is an option, that you have the choice whenever you want to suffer or not. And that you yourself are what perpetuates your own suffering. When you come to the realization that you are the product of your own situation. That the decisions you make on a daily basis, what you allow into your mind, into your space. This is what keeps you locked in the world you live in. Every choice you make, whenever conscious or not, has a direct effect on your experience.

Now, imagine we chalk this up to every person on earth, I want you to think about that for a moment. I'll give you an example of how humanity perpetuates it's own suffering. Let's take fast food, most if not everyone knows fast food is not good for you, yet people still eat it everyday. Some for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. People go to dine in at fast food restaurants. Sometimes the whole family goes. That means the young members of the family too who will carry on the tradition. Since so many people choose to eat at these restaurants, the restaurants must be able to meet demands, and that means cutting corners.

For fast food chains to serve millions of people, they must be able to purchase the supply needed, and that costs a lot of money. And herein lie where the problems come. People blame fast food restaurants for serving unhealthy meals. That they should have healthier options on the menu. But in order for that to be possible, the supply and demand must reach a certain equalibrium. With so many people eating at these restaurants who they themselves have low stands with their health, it is only natural that humanity manifests unhealthy eateries. These fast food restaurants therefor have to buy from mass killing farms who treat their livestock poorly and fill them with things containing many dangerous substances. Feed them food of low quality so they can afford to feed such large livestocks who are put in unhealthy environments to cope with the demand. This all happens because people refuse to cook and shop smart for their own food and choose healthy options for themselves and their families. Business minded people see this trend and come in to take advantage. People blame wealthy CEOs for running such organizations. But it is the people who choose to spend their money at these eateries and sustain them. If people cooked their own food, did research on healthy cooking, what groceries to choose from, what is good and healthy for them. These fast food chains would cease to exist.

So how can we extrapolate this example to the matrix. Put simply, the collective of humanity, by being ignorant of themselves and not taking hold of their own lives, live in a state where they have a lack of awareness that keeps them from moving in the direction that changes them for the better.

Take all this, and now see how people manifest their own situations, it is their choices that bring their reality to them. In regards to the matrix though, this is on a mass scale, with millions if not billions of people collectively manifesting horrible outcomes. Humanity is in essence, it's own worst enemy, it is it's own self perpetuating machine of suffering.

With this, we can see that the matrix doesn’t exit, the matrix is a collective thought form born of the human condition. It is humans who perpetuate this so called “matrix”. It is humanity that is the arbiter of it’s own prison and subsequent suffering within this cage humanity has created for itself. When people individually realize this, and come to terms with it, the collective of humanity will begin to change course and manifest a better world for all of humanity. There is no AI, there is no evil supreme power at large controlling the whole of humanity on puppet strings, there is only the collective ignorance of humanity that allows itself to perpetuate it's own suffering. Are there beings taking advantage of this, yes, but ultimately the choice whatever directions humanity goes is up to each and every person on earth as a collective consciousness. Humanity has spawned a thought form born of ignorance that continues this cycle. In order for humanity to free itself from this collective thought form, each and every person on earth must come to the realization that their lives are in their own hands and they must take hold of it.

Nobody is coming to save you, you must save yourself, in the words of one so great. That is the real truth. Be your own savior, by taking charge of your life, your choices you make on a daily basis. Be mindful of how your choices will affect other people, and always treat others with the same respect you would treat yourself.

I hope this message reaches you well, from the bottom of my heart, with love and peace. I sincerely thank you for taking the time to read my article. May it enlighten and help you become your own savior on the path of life.


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