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We live in a world of opposites

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

What if I told you everything you know is backwards, that we live in a world of opposites, and that the opposite of what you know and believe is true. That the real world is a fantasy world, that angels and dragons are real, that there is life beyond earth.

Let me put it to you this way. All these things you read about and see on the media had to come from somewhere. If we live in a world of opposites, then everything they present to us as fact, is in fact a lie, and everything they show to us as fantasy entertainment is how things really are.

We all know the media, entertainment, and many front and center outlets lie. It's about monopolizing your attention. Attention is a currency, it's as they say, energy flows where attention goes. What if the world is trying to distract you from something grand.

Just look at the people who have the time to sit and write fantasy novels and books. These people had the time to go within themselves and journey to these fantasy worlds. They didn't let the distractions of busy life get to them. And look at what they discovered. So, can you say these worlds are just fantasy, or maybe perhaps... did these people who write fantasy novels, books, and media actually discover on their own what is really out there. What the real world is like.

Think about that for a moment and ponder on it. Now, to go into this a little deeper, many people have heard of other dimensions. Yes, there are other dimensions to reality, the third dimension is only one of many. What if I told you the reason why you don't see these beings, these worlds, that exist in fantasy is because you are only perceiving the third dimension. These beings exist in higher dimensions of reality and therefor cannot be seen by you unless you enter these dimensions.

The people who create fantasy media are actually doing what's called "channeling". Wherein they pick up on the frequency of these beings and allow their energies to come through them. They then channel this energy of these beings creatively in art, music, and literature. That's how fantasies are born. Some of these people who write fantasy media may have in fact existed as one of these beings. But we'll get into that topic on a different blog post. I just wanted to open your mind to the possibility that are out there.

Here is something I want you to keep in mind, whatever you attract into your field, is in fact real. If you attract concepts such as things about fairies into your world, that may in fact mean you have a real connection to fairies. Everything happens for a reason. Learn to cultivate awareness of yourself and I promise you you will discover amazing things about yourself. Overall, if we're going to live in a world where we are allowed to dream and have fun, wouldn't it be better to live in a world of fantasy then non fiction.

Just an idea to put out there, whatever you believe is your choice, I'm only asking you to open your mind to the possibilities that are out there. Always follow your heart, let it lead you to whereever it takes you, and be open to the endless possabilities it brings.

And with that, I would like to thank you for reading this blog post, many blessings upon you and may you succeed on the path to self discovery. Remember, life is full of possibilities, never limit yourself or your imagination. What you can imagine can become a reality. Or rather, if you can imagine something, then it is real, take that to heart. Never give up your imagination, not for anyone, not ever. Dream big and have fun, life is meant to be enjoyed, not stifled and limited. Don't let this world crush your dreams. Dreams are meant to be followed and lived. Live your dreams with all your heart and you will be rewarded mightily!


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