What is enlightenment, what does it mean to be enlightened, and how does one achieve it? In this blog post I am going to give my personal account of what enlightenment is and how you can embark on the path to becoming enlightened. As always, I will keep things simple, and to the point.
Enlightenment is a state one reaches when they have embodied the statement "I am one with the universe, I am part of this experience called life, but this experience is not me and does not define who I am". "Who I am is what I am inside, as a divine sovereign being, which is a spark of god or source itself".
This statement sums up what enlightenment essentially is. Enlightenment is a state you reach when you realize you are god or source itself. You are a spark of god or source that is having it's own unique experience. You are one spark of many having a unique experience. You are eternal, death is only an illusion, and the ego is not who you truly are. Embodying these concepts are what lead a person to enlightenment. When you take these concepts and truly believe them, that is go within yourself, and discover yourself. Your true inner being as a divine spark of god or source.
To reach enlightenment, one must then embark on a journey of self discovery, which means going within oneself to discover who they are. You must learn that all truths can be garnered from within. Not from outside of yourself, your internal world, not your external. This means learning to trust your gut, go with the flow of your intuition, following your heart. Your heart, which is where your soul is, is where your truth lies. People who only follow their mind and not their heart will never reach enlightenment. Your mind, which is connected to your heart, can only get you but so far. But, it is only until you discover that your heart is where your truth is, that the mind is only a tool to help you decipher what you are experiencing. You must find YOUR truths to achieve enlightenment. And these truths must come from your heart.
This modern day world we live in works in such a way that it works against people who are all capable of achieving enlightenment, People work long hours, don't have much time to themselves to really think about life, and are railroaded from one thing to another as if life were a conveyor belt. People must realize that is world, in order to become a person who is happy, they must take a hard look at it and detach themselves from it. You must learn that you are in the world and not of it. This world does not make you, it does not define you, you make and define yourself. You create your own unique experience. Therefor knowing this one must detach them self from the world. That means being in the world but not letting it influence you to a point where you let it define you.
For many this can be hard, as we live in a world that is very alluring, with temptations all around us. Things that want to pull us in and take are attention-currency. You can be enlightened and live in this world, but reaching a point where you can live in this world, without letting it control your perception is crucial. You must detach yourself from worldly things so you can come to a place where you simply see everything for what it is. Your mind must be in a state of stillness, where you can observe everything objectively, completely in isolation of itself and yourself. When you can do this, you will reach a state where your awareness will rapidly grow, and so you will begin to see things you normally didn't.
Achieving enlightenment requires growing ones awareness through mindful observation and quiet contemplation. As you become more aware of your surroundings, you become more aware of yourself, and so you will learn things about yourself you didn't know. See how this all connects? Everything is connected. Becoming enlightenment means learning that you and everything around you is part of you, as everything IS connected to each other.
What energy you put out, that is by your thoughts and your actions, manifests as phenomenon that come back to you in your life. So learn to become still of mind, heart centered in body, and mindful of ones daily practices. It is all connected. See my post "what kind of world do we live in?". To read my explanation for how this world works.
And with that, I would like to end this post, so let's recap. Enlightenment is about reaching a state where you embody the statement "I am one with the universe, I am part of this experience called life, but this experience is not me and does not define who I am". "Who I am is what I am inside, as a divine sovereign being, which is a spark of god or source itself".
Meditate on this, sit in quiet stillness, let solitude be thy sanctum away from the busy world of distractions and temptations. Learn to let go of what does not serve you, learn to be satisfied only with what you need to live a fulfilling life, and let go of the rest. Trust your gut, your intuition, your heart. Let love guide you in all things, always, seeing that everything is divine. Everything is god or source, everything is connected, everything is one with the universe. And the universe is you.
I hope this post reaches you in good spirits, I thank you for reading this post, I send you love and blessings. Be well in all things.