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What is evil?

Writer: Water Dragon SageWater Dragon Sage

Many people have asked the question, what is evil, well I'm going to give you my opinion of what I think evil is based off of my own experiences.

First off, what I will say, is evil is an example of what not to be. Now, everyone has their own definition or point of view of what they think is evil or what defines evil, what an evil person is. Based off of my experiences I think evil is what happens when a person takes their gifts, their abilities, their powers and uses them for themselves and their own benefit. To use ones gifts, abilities, and powers for their own benefit and not for the benefit of others is evil.

When the universe bestows upon us gifts and abilities. It does this out of the absolute kindness of it's heart. The universe, or god as one may call it, wants to see it's creations use the gifts we are born with for good, for others to enjoy, for the benefit of the many. When we share in each others gifts, as I detailed in a previous blog post, we all benefit and flourish. Evil does not do this, evil takes what gifts it has or had, and uses it for it's own good.

That isn't good though, it's selfishness, as it is entirely service to self without the benefit of others being able to benefit from ones gifts. We all know the story of the billionaire who takes from the poor to give to him or herself. This is a prime example of how evil comes about. Beings who are evil take from others, as taking ones invention, and turn it around to benefit for themself. Taking the credit as if they are the one who came up with the invention.

True evil itself, from a metaphysical spiritual point of view, cannot create as it has seperated itself from god or the creator. God is the supreme creator, and we are gods children, so we are also creators. Since evil has chosen to use it's ability to create to benefit for only itself, it has forsaken the divine plan of god which is to bring about creators to create from the creator to share in each others creations of being, and so if one continues on such a path they will lose their connection to god itself. This is how true evil comes about. When a being reaches this point. They are no longer able to bring about creations of their own. And thus must take solely from others in order to benefit from gods creations. Gods love and will to bring about.

In truth, evil wants you to make you think you are good, that is also true evil. It's as they say, evil rides on the coattails of good people. Evil decives the many by making them think they are doing good. Knowing this, it is important to always look closely at ones intentions, and see if they come from a pure place.

In a trial I faced staying with another, someone I lived with bought me things, without me asking them to, and when I asked them not to they lashed out at me. I come to find out they were only buying things for me in order to garner favors from me in the near future. So, even though I did not ask for them to buy me things, they still did, and at first I thought this was coming from a good place. But ultimately this persons true colors showed through once they saw that they weren't going to get what they wanted from me. This is an example of how someone can manipulate you making you think their intentions are good. This is how evil operates.

Evil will always try to trick and decieve one from thinking it is evil. Always look at ones intentions and see where they are really coming from. Trust your gut instincts if something feels off. Always use your gifts with others in mind. The more gifts you posses, the more good you can do for others, and so share your gifts with others so they may benefit. When we share are gifts with the world, we naturally bring abundance into are lives, evil takes from others gifts to accumilate abundance instead of naturally bringing in abundance by sharing in ones gifts.

Evil will always take from what it is not and what it cannot have. Always coveting with greed and envy at what it can never be. And that's why people who are evil will never have what they want. They only take and never give. There is only bad intent and no intent for good.

I hope this message reaches you in good spirits. I thank you for reading my blog post. May you have a blessed day with love and peace.


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